This is the archive website of Lou Baker Artist - click here to visit the live website

disquiet [dis-kwahy-it]

noun: lack of calm, peace, or ease; anxiety;

disquiet is an exhibition of recent paintings and sculptures by Clare Thatcher and Lou Baker, who are showing together for the first time at Walcot Chapel in Bath. Although they use very different materials and processes they recognise similarities in their work and, for this exhibition, they have made some new pieces in response to one another’s work.

You’re warmly invited to the private view on Saturday 22nd September from 2 - 5pm.

If you can’t make the private view, the exhibition runs from Tuesday 18th to Sunday 23rd September, and is open daily from 11-5. Both artists will be working in the space throughout the exhibition so come and meet them.

Walcot Chapel, Walcot Gate, Bath BA1 5UG

For more information about their work please visit their websites and follow them on social media:
Clare Thatcher
Instagram @clare_artist
Twitter @ClareThatcher2
Lou Baker
Instagram, Twitter and Facebook @loubakerartist