Gallery of images:
Please scroll down for more details and links to videos and further documentation.
- 2021 Real space, research residency at the Michael Pennie Gallery, Locksbrook Campus, Bath Spa University, 8.3. - 1.4.21
- 2021 Social Knitwork, at The Art Cohort , plus a series of outdoor participatory installations in Bath,1.5.21 - 7.6.21
- 2021 Cocoons, hand knitted monofilament, installed at Regeneration, Stone Lane Gardens, Chagford, Devon, 1.6. - 31.10.21
- 2021 Mixing it up, research residency at The Garage, Bristol,1.6.-19.6.21
- 2021 Impossible shoes 2, concrete
- 2021 Red is the colour of…, installed at Unlocked, 44AD Gallery, Bath, 6.7.-11.7.21
- 2021 Parts of me 2021, knitting, PVC, stitch, zips, steel, concrete, lead, shoe, installed at The MA Degree Show, Bath Spa University, Sept. 2021
- 2020 Body cocoon 1, (If you go down to the woods today) hand knitted wearable sculpture, performance still
- 2020 Wishing trees, 4 participatory installations in public spaces in Bristol, UK, March – October
- 2020 Body cocoon 2, hand knitted wearable sculpture, performance still
- 2020 For Art’s Sake, CMS, Oxford, Living sculptures and Safety net, participatory event
- 2020 Body cocoon 3, hand knitted wearable sculpture, performance still
- 2020 Body cocoon 4, hand knitted wearable sculpture, performance still
- 2020 Body cocoon 5, hand knitted wearable sculpture, performance still
- 2020 Self-portrait, canvas, stitch, steel, concrete
- 2020 Parts of me, 2020, knitting, knitting needles, steel, Jesmonite, plaster, shoes
- 2020 Impossible shoes 1, concrete
- 2020 Body cage 1, steel wearable sculpture, performance still
- 2020 Body cage 2, steel wearable sculpture, performance still
- 2020 Invisible, canvas, stitch, wearable sculpture, performance still
- 2020 Velvet hug, velvet, stitch, wearable sculpture, performance still
- 2020 Body parts, tights, wadding, stitch
1. 2019 Chimera, felted hand knitting
2. 2019 Tethering our thoughts, participatory installation, Day 1, string, fruit nets, labels, installed at Incendiary, SVA, Stroud, 6-10 Feb
3. 2019 Tethering our thoughts, participatory installation, Day 5, string, fruit nets, labels, installed at Incendiary, SVA, Stroud, 6-10 Feb
4. 2019 Pillars of fire, hand knitted wool, knitting needles, series of 4, work in progress
5. 2019 Shadow self, hand knitted wool, March
6. 2019 I knit therefore I am, knitting performance, July & August
7. 2019 IN.BRS.2019.39 Shadow sacks over dark pool, a collaboration with Scott Sandford, site responsive installation at B-Wing, Shepton Mallet Prison, 21 Sept - 6 Oct
8. 2019 Shadow sacks in the slopping out room, felted hand knitting, site responsive installation at B-Wing, Shepton Mallet Prison, 21 Sept -6 Oct
9. 2019 Red is the colour of..., hand knitted site responsive installation at B-Wing, Shepton Mallet Prison, 21 Sept -6 Oct
10. 2019 The presence of absence, used clothing, shoes, washing line, pegs, site responsive installation at B-Wing, Shepton Mallet Prison, 21 Sept -6 Oct
11. 2019 The feedback cell, netting, labels, cloth, a site responsive, interactive installation at B-Wing, Shepton Mallet Prison, 21 Sept -6 Oct
12. 2019 Living sculptures, prison series, wearable soft sculptures, a site responsive participatory installation at B-Wing, Shepton Mallet Prison, 21 Sept -6 Oct
Videos and other documentation:
2019 Pillars of fire, installation, Jan.
2019 Tethering our thoughts at Incendiary, documentation, Feb
2019 I knit therefore I am, knitting performance, Costa Rica, 1 second a day, July-Aug
1. 2018 Internal monologue, hand knitted wool, knitting needles, Sept.
2. 2018 I knit therefore I am, performance stills, ongoing
3. 2018 The whole is greater than the sum of the parts, detail, canvas, stitch, June
4. 2018 comfort /discomfort, participatory installation at 'Subversive surfaces: taboo and fragility', Town Hall Arts, Trowbridge, June and July, collaboration with Gina Baum
5. 2018 Living sculptures, hand knitted wool, series of 5, participatory installation at Disquiet exhibition, Walcot Chapel, Bath, September
6. 2017-2018 Parts of me, felted knitting, series of 6, installed at 'Subversive surfaces: taboo and fragility' at Town Hall Arts, Trowbridge, June 9th - July 14th
7. 2018 Living sculpture (white &furry), imitation leather, fake fur, buttons, July
8. 2018 Drawing in space with red monofilament, disquiet at Walcot Chapel, Bath, Sept 21st -23rd
Videos and other documentation:
2018 Living sculptures, research and documentation, from July and Sept.
2018 Living sculptures, participatory installation at Disquiet exhibition, Walcot Chapel, Bath, Sept.
1. Living sculptures, knitted series
2. Living sculptures, trying them on
3. Living sculptures, green
4. Living sculptures, together
5. Living sculptures, twirling
6. Living sculptures, friends
7. Living sculptures, dancing
2018 Living sculptures, participatory installation at 'Make space', Bristol Museum and Art Gallery, July
1. Living sculptures, dancing
2. Living sculptures, more dancing
3. Living sculptures, spinning
4. Living sculpture,(white & furry), rocking
2018 Drawing in space with red monofilament, at disquiet, Walcot Chapel, Bath, 21st -23rd Sept.
2018 ‘Subversive surfaces: taboo and fragility’, exhibition hand out, with Gina Baum, curated by Katie Ackrill, at Town Hall Arts, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, June/July
2018 comfort / discomfort, Day 5, 13.6.18, participatory installation at ‘Subversive surfaces: taboo and fragility’, with Gina Baum, curated by Katie Ackrill, at Town Hall Arts, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, June/July
2018 comfort / discomfort, Day 35, 14.7.18, participatory installation ‘Subversive surfaces: taboo and fragility’, with Gina Baum, curated by Katie Ackrill, at Town Hall Arts, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, June/July
2018 The whole is greater than the sum of the parts, installed at ‘Subversive surfaces: taboo and fragility’, with Gina Baum, curated by Katie Ackrill, at Town Hall Arts, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, June/July
1. Lilah
2. Spinning
2018 Tethering my thoughts, lists, pillowcase; stitch, work in progress
2018 The whole is greater than the sum of the parts, canvas; stitch, work in progress
1. 2017 Multitude, 12 soft sculptures installed at PRILIC, Jacobs Wells Dance Centre, Bristol, December
2. 2017 Displacement activity #4, Drawing in space with elastic (and a monkey), at Synecdoche's [dis]place residency at The Vestibules, Bristol, September
3. 2017 Displacement activity #5, Helium balloons at Synecdoche’s [dis]place residency at The Vestibules, Bristol, September
4. 2017 Displacement activity #9, Sculpting with pill packets and a stapler, at Synecdoche’s [dis]place residency at The Vestibules, Bristol, September
5. 2017 Displacement activity #12, Projection with an overhead projector, at Synecdoche’s [dis]place residency at The Vestibules, Bristol, September
6. 2017 Safety net, Day 13, at Synecdoche’s [dis]place residency at The Vestibules, Bristol, September
7. 2017 The sea, the sea, detail, felted hand knitting
8. 2017 My future, participatory installation at St Werburgh’s Primary School, Bristol. Aspiration Day
9. 2017 Safety net, Day 17, participatory installation at ‘Refuge: in search of safety’, Fringe Arts Bath, June
10. 2017 Don't wash your dirty laundry in public, participatory installation at ‘We need to talk about clothes’ exhibition, Hardwick Gallery, Cheltenham
11. 2017 Body image I, framed mirror, installed at Synecdoche's 'Bodies' exhibition, Southmead hospital, Bristol, March -July
12. 2017 Body image II, framed mirror, installed at Synecdoche's 'Bodies' exhibition, Southmead hospital, Bristol, March -July
Videos and other documentation:
2017 Multitude 12 soft sculptures installed at PRILIC, Jacobs Wells Dance Centre, Bristol, December
1. Walkthrough at night
2. Dance performance with Impermanence Dance Company
2017 Safety net, one participant's response, participatory installation at Synecdoche’s [dis]place residency at The Vestibules, Bristol, Sept
2017 Displacement activity, at Synecdoche’s [dis]place residency at The Vestibules, Bristol, September
1. Displacement activity, documentation
2. Displacement activity #4: Drawing in space with elastic.... and a monkey
3. Displacement activity #5: Helium balloons
4. Displacement activity #12: Projection 2
2017 My future, participatory installation at St Werburgh’s Primary School, Bristol, Aspiration day, July
2017 Safety net, participatory installation at ‘Refuge: in search of safety’, Fringe Arts Bath, June
1. Walk through
2. Documentation
2017 Body Image I, framed mirror, at Synecdoche’s ‘Bodies’ exhibition at Southmead Hospital, Bristol, March – July
1. 2016 Don't wash your dirty laundry in public, Day 23, participatory installation at Synecdoche’s ‘Bodies’ residency at The Unit, Bristol, September
2. 2016 Don't wash your dirty laundry in public, Day 6, participatory installation at Synecdoche’s ‘Bodies’ residency at The Unit, Bristol, September
3. 2016, Heart of darkness, diptych, hand knitted wool, meat hooks, chains, installed at Synecdoche’s ‘Bodies’ residency at The Unit, Bristol, September
Other documentation:
2016 Don’t wash your dirty laundry in public, participatory installation, documentation, at Synecdoche’s ‘Bodies’ residency at The Unit, Bristol, Sept. 2016
1. 2015 All the babies I might have had II, leather, imitation leather, used clothing, felted knitting, zips, meat hook, chain; stitch, print
2. 2015 The Others; a self portrait, series of 5, installed at ‘The Degree Show’, UWE, Bower Ashton campus, Bristol, June
3. 2015 Other 5, leather, hand knitted wool, zips; stitch
4. 2015 Other 4, leather, hand knitted wool, velvet, zips; stitch
5. 2015 Other 3, imitation leather, felt, flocking, zips; stitch, print
6. 2015 Other 2, imitation leather, velvet, zips; stitch
7. 2015 Other 1, imitation leather, fake fur, felted hand knitting, zip; stitch
8. 2015 Other 5, wearing the unwearable, performance still
9. 2015 Other 4, wearing the unwearable, performance still
10. 2015 Other 3, wearing the unwearable, performance still
11. 2015 Other 2, wearing the unwearable, performance still
12. 2015 Other 1, wearing the unwearable, performance still
13. 2015 Nobody 3, wearing the unwearable, performance still
Other documentation:
2015 Do you mind if I write that down, documentation of interactions with visitors at Lou Baker’s Embroiderers’ Guild Scholarship exhibition at The Knitting and Stitching Shows, in London and Harrogate, Oct. and Nov.
1. 2014 Nobodies, series of 3, installed at ‘Synecdoche’ exhibition, Embassy Tea Gallery, London, June
2. 2014 Nobody 3, hand knitted wool, knitting needles, installed at ‘Unravelling’, Bow Arts’ Ice House Studios, London, Sept. 2016
3. 2014 Nobody 2, detail, imitation leather, felted hand knitting, zips; stitch
4. 2014 Nobody 1, leather, imitation leather, used clothing, hair, velvet, zips; stitch, print
5. 2014 Internal landscape II, copper, enamel, rivets
6. 2014 Internal landscape I, copper, enamel, felted hand knitting, rivets
7. 2014 Cosies, series of 3, canvas, velvet; print, stitch
8. 2014 False memory #1, velvet, beanie bottom; stitch
9. 2014 False memory #7, fleece, velvet, zip, ribbon; stitch
10. 2014 Internal landscapes, triptych, felted hand knitting
11. 2014 Pod of wonder, imitation leather, velvet, zip; stitch
12. 2014 Tattoo, detail, imitation leather, hair; hand stitch
1. 2013 Shroud, hand knitted wool, installed at ‘Unravelling’, Bow Arts’ Ice House Studios, London, Sept. 2016
2. 2013 Self-portrait, felted hand knitting
3. 2013 Heart, kinetic sculpture, detail, knitted tubing, pump, red liquid
4. 2013 Concentric forms, porcelain
5. 2013 Cellular forms, porcelain
6. 2013 Between dreaming and waking III, canvas; screen print, stitch
7. 2013 Between dreaming and waking II, canvas; screen print, stitch
8. 2013 Between dreaming and waking I, screen print on linen
9. 2013 Internal landscapes, series of 10, copper, enamel, rivets,
10. 2013 Net of a cube, steel, enamel
11. 2013 Steel landscape II, steel, welding
12. 2013 Steel landscape I, steel, plasma engraving, welding
13. 2013 Between dreaming and waking IV, etching
1. 2012 Body bags, plastic bags; stitch, performance stil
2. 57. 2012 Self-portrait, hand knitted wool, work in progress
3. 2012 Articulated, canvas; stitch
4. 2012 Social network, hand knitted monofilament, installed at ‘Dozen’, Bower Ashton Campus, UWE, Bristol, Nov.
5. 2012 Seascape, detail, triptych, canvas, acrylic; stitch
6. 2012 Beanie baby, baby grow; stitch
7. 2012 Seascape, diptych, canvas, acrylic; stitch
1. 2011 Over the hills and far away, artist’s book, canvas, acrylic, zips, ribbon; stitch
2.. 2011 All the babies I might have had I, felted hand knitting
3.. 2011 All the babies I might have had, artist’s book, mixed media
4.. 2011 The parts I'd like to remove, canvas, cloth, maps, anatomy text book pages, zip; stitch
5.. 2011 The parts I’d like to remove, artist’s book, mixed media
1. 2010 No animals have been harmed in the making of this garment, fake fur, cuddly toys
2. 2010 My imaginary friend, used clothing, velvet, zips; stitch
3. 2010 Seascape, detail, canvas; stitch
1. 2008 Seascape, felted hand knitting
2. 2009 Psychedelic sunburst I, installed at ‘Unravelling’, Bow Arts’ Ice House Studios, London, Sept. 2016
3.. 2009 Psychedelic sunburst II, installed at ‘Unravelling’, Bow Arts’ Ice House Studios, London, Sept. 2016
4.. 2008 Patchwork fields, felted hand knitting
5.. 2008 Ripples, felted hand knitting
6. 2008 Hundertwasser House, felted hand knitting